Know Your Bible (KYB) studies develop Christians in their knowledge of the Bible and in their own Christian journey.
KYB studies are designed to help women, through personal study and group sharing, to know God’s Word and its message for today
The KYB group of Golden Grove meets on Monday mornings, from 10.00-11.30am in the Church Meeting Room.
The year’s discussions usually centre around selected Books from the Old and New Testaments.
Ladies are invited to share in love and friendship as we grow in Christian faith together.
Contact Margaret on 0439 883 573 for further details.
Women’s Fellowship is a social group that gets together on the first Thursday afternoon of the month.
Each year we agree on a programme according to the ideas and preferences of our members. The program may include:
In addition, twice a year we go out for lunch, and from time to time we do all day coach trips. All proceeds are donated to selected charities.
But, we’re always open to new ideas!
Contact the Church Office on 8251 4298
7:00pm Thursday nights, weekly at Wynn Vale
Contact Kathryn on 0408 825 970 for further details.
Our 2024 breakfast dates are 06 April, 01 June, 12 October and 30 November.
Contact Kathryn on 0408 825 970 for further details.
The men’s bible study groups meet in the homes of our congregation.
There are two groups consisting of
Tuesday mornings at 10:30am in Golden Grove
Contact Andrew via church office.
Thursday evenings at 7:00pm in Wynn Vale
Contact Jonathan via church office.
Our Men’s Group meets each Tuesday at Milk and Honey Cafe, Wynn Vale Drive, Wynn Vale, for breakfast, sometimes with a speaker.
Some other activities include:
Every second Wednesday night at 7:00pm
Contact David via church office.