The Bible says, “God does not show favouritism”. (Ro 2:11)
This is in the context of Paul showing how every human being – everyone of us, no matter who we are, are all considered equally sinful by God. God’s commands are to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love our neighbour as ourselves. All of us have failed to do these everyday of our lives (Ro 3:23).
Therefore, God shows no favouritism; He doesn’t make excuses for anyone, nor let anyone off the hook. All are guilty.
We know this because the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of every person in the world, to save and give them fulness of life. (Ro 5:8; Jn 3:16) In other words, every person is so completely and utterly lost, that the only possible thing that could save them is if the Son of God died for them!
Which means, God shows no favouritism! – i.e., God’s grace and salvation in Jesus were equally at work for every person on the planet! The gifts of salvation and fulness of life are available for all people, without distinction, whoever they are, whatever they’ve done, who believe in Jesus Christ, and truly acknowledge their sin.
Which actually means, all are God’s favourites! Therefore, we may not show favouritism.
Grace and cheers, Jonathan.