Journalist Mark Day writes of the war-time songs sung by Australian soldiers, mentioning such songs as The Mademoiselle from ArmentieresPack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag, Wish Me Luck as You Wave Me Goodbye, Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant Major. He says that “While the tunes linger in the mind, the lyrics remind us of the times: they are cheery and upbeat, trying to make the best of a bad situation… They also reflect an attitude of ‘we’re all in this together’.”

Martin Luther translated Job 7:1 as “life for man is warfare”! The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born as one of us – our brother; He lived our life, suffered our pain, and died our death. God was saying to us, in life and its warfare, “we’re all in this together”! 

Someone once said, “Jesus stepped right down into the frontline trenches”. This was the greatest act of solidarity, self-sacrifice, and love, to pay for the sins of all people, and win for us salvation and fulness of life. The forgiveness and peace that this achieved between God and humanity, also contains the promise and hope of peace between all people. 

This week (November 11th) we remembered and gave thanks for all Australian servicemen and women who fought for our country in wartime, and for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We also give thanks to the God who was in it all with them, for them – the same God who is with and for us always.

Therefore, we also may be – and need to be – for Him!

Grace and peace, Jonathan.