Francis Brienen, a British minister and author in the Reformed Church. has written the following inspirational prayer for the New Year. Make it your earnest prayer for 2021. 

God of all time,
who makes all things new,
we bring before you the year now ending.
For life full and good,
for opportunities recognised and taken,
for love known and shared,
we thank you.
Where we have fallen short,
forgive us.
When we worry over what is past,
free us.
As we begin again
and take our first steps into the future,
where nothing is safe and certain,
except you,
we ask for the courage of the wise men
who simply went and following a star.
We ask for their wisdom,
in choosing to pursue the deepest truth,
not knowing where they would be led.
In the year to come, God of all time,
be our help and company.
Hold our hands as we journey onwards
and may your dreams of shalom,
where all will be at peace,
be our guiding star.

The Complete Book of Christian Prayer