The Tudor period in England was of course dominated by the colourful figure of King Henry the Eighth. This was when the concept and practice of the “the divine right of kings” was at its height, where the king determined the workings of government, society, and the courses of individual lives, absolutely. There’s no doubt that Henry’s rule was efficient at accomplishing his goals, the only problem was that they were breathtakingly and obsessively narcissistic and cruel! If possible, what would be best is an absolute ruler, but one that is good, in fact, the best.
That is what we have in Jesus Christ. He was utterly selfless, humble, loving, merciful and gracious. He died to pay the price for all sins, to win forgiveness, salvation and fullness of life for all who will look to Him in faith and repentance, and to bring about the eternal renewal of heaven and earth. Following Christ’s bodily resurrection from the dead to eternal life, He ascended to God the Father’s right hand in heaven, which means the throne of heaven. This means that He exercises absolute rule over all things in heaven and on earth – our good, good King!
And while Jesus rules over all things from heaven, He is also with us in all things by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is working powerfully in the world bringing all things to fulfilment in His saving purposes. He is ministering to our need, forgiving, strengthening, equipping, inspiring and leading us to live our daily lives as His followers, call others to come to faith in Him, and to mould and shape our world according to His good will.
Trust Him and go with Him, in great hope and joy, into the world without end that He is leading us into!
Grace and cheers, Jonathan.