Every person, all the time, is proclaiming a message to those around them. It comes out in our actual words, and in how we live our lives. Jesus said that what comes out of our mouths tells what is most important to us in our hearts (Mt 15:18,19); and the Bible teaches that what we do also declares the priorities of our hearts (1Jn 3:18; Tit 1:16; Jms 2:26).
This is because God created us to be messengers – i.e., to hear His Word and truth, and pass it on to those around us. This is what it means to praise God (Ps 8:2): we hear and believe the good news about Him, then we tell it out (praise Him as the God of the good news).
Our lives are always speaking a word. This means that we need to make sure we are hearing and speaking God’s truth and good news, and not some other message, that may be neither true, nor good (e.g., the message of the world that tries to live without God). But it also means that nothing is more natural for a human being than to be witnessing to the truth of God; constantly “speaking” God’s good news through all we say and do.
Each day, get “into” God’s good news in the Bible (there are very simple, easy ways that everyone can do this); ask God for the Holy Spirit to shape your heart, words and actions afresh. Then our lives will more and more resound with the saving, healing, joyous truth of God; and others will hear, believe and be transformed.
Grace and cheers, Jonathan.